In this post we describe how derivatives are defined in higher dimensions, when dealing with multi-input functions. We explore these ideas first with $N=2$ inputs for visualization purposes, generalizing afterwards.
# imports from custom library
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mlrefined_libraries import basics_library as baslib
from mlrefined_libraries import calculus_library as callib
import autograd.numpy as np
# this is needed to compensate for %matplotlib notebook's tendancy to blow up images when plotted inline
%matplotlib notebook
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = True
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In this Section we describe how the notion of a derivative for single-input functions is naturally generalized to multi-input functions.
Instead of the derivative representing the slope of a tangent line in the case of a single-input function, the derivative of a multi-input function represents the set of slopes that define a tangent hyperplane.
This is illustrated in the next Python cell using the following two closely related functions
\begin{array} \ g(w) = 2 + \text{sin}(w)\\ g(w_1,w_2) = 2 + \text{sin}(w_1 + w_2) \end{array}In particular we draw each function over a small portion of its input around the origin, with the single-input function on the left and multi-input function on the right. We also draw the tangent line / hyperplane - generated by the derivative there - on top of each function at the origin.
# plot a single input quadratic in both two and three dimensions
func1 = lambda w: 2 + np.sin(w)
func2 = lambda w: 2 + np.sin(w[0] + w[1])
# use custom plotter to show both functions
callib.derivative_ascent_visualizer.compare_2d3d(func1 = func1,func2 = func2)
Here we can see that the derivative for the multi-input function on the right naturally describes not just a line, but a tangent hyperplane. This is true in general. How do we define the derivative of a multi-input function / the tangent hyperplane it generates?
In post 2 of this series we saw how the derivative of a single input function $g(w)$ at a point $w^0$ was approximately the slope
\begin{equation} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}w}g(w^0) \approx \frac{g(w^0 + \epsilon) - g(w^0)}{\epsilon} \end{equation}of the secant line passing through the point $(w^0,\,\,g(w^0))$ and a neighboring point $(w^0 + \epsilon, \,\, g(w^0 + \epsilon))$, and letting $|\epsilon|$ shrink to zero this approximation becomes an equality, and the derivative is precisely the slope of the tangent line at $w^0$.
In the next Python cell we repeat an experiment illustrating this point from an earlier post. Here we plot the function $g(w) = \text{sin}(w)$ over a short window of its input. We then fix $w^0 = 0$, take a point nearby that can be controlled via the slider mechanism, and connect the two via a secant line. When the neighborhood point is close enough to $0$ the secant line becomes tangent, and turns from red to green.
# what function should we play with? Defined in the next line, along with our fixed point where we show tangency.
g = lambda w: np.sin(w)
# create an instance of the visualizer with this function
st = callib.secant_to_tangent.visualizer(g = g)
# run the visualizer for our chosen input function and initial point
st.draw_it(w_init = 0, num_frames = 200)