EECS 395, 495


Jeremy Watt with Reza Borhani

About us

   - Adjunct Professors in EECS department

   - where we both earned our PhDs

   - Authors of Machine Learning Refined (Cambridge University Press) -

   - Used in EECS 396, 496: Machine Learning: Foundations, Applications, and Algorithms

   - Notes from this class based on *new* material for 2nd edition!

   - Owners of local deep learning consultancy Degree Six -

   - We help everyone from startups to established businesses develop AI-fueled products and build machine learning / deep learning teams

About the course

Optimization is the workhorse of machine learning / deep learning

Every way we know how to learn fundamentally requires mathematical optimization

  • Supervised learning: parameters must be properly tuned in order to represent data / make accurate predictions
- e.g., linear supervised learning, deep neural networks, random forests, kernel methods,...
  • Unsupervised learning: parameters must be properly tuned in order to reduce the dimnension of data properly
- e.g., PCA, K-Means, Recommender Systems,...
  • Reinforcement Learning: large state spaces (e.g., for Atari games) require repeated use of supervised learning
- Deep Q-Learning, Policy-gradient methods,...

What is mathematical optimization?

  • Every machine learning / deep learning learning problem has parameters that must be tuned properly to ensure optimal learning.
  • e.g., two parameters to tune (slope and intercept) in simplest instance of linear regression - we fit a line to data
  • These parameters are tuned by forming what is called a cost function or loss function
  • Proper tuning of weights corresponds geometrically to minimizing the cost function

What is mathematical optimization?

  • mathematical optimization is the set of tools designed to find such minima
  • the algorithms are iterative in nature (few closed form solutions)
  • the algorithms are based on fundamental principles from calculus and geometry

Course topics

Course topics

1) Computational calculus part 1

- mathematical functions, function arithmetic, the computation graph
- derivative rules, numerical differentiation, automatic differentiation 
- the first order condition and alternating descent

2) Optimization and Unsupervised Learning

- eigenvalues / eigenvectors and the power method
- PCA, random projections, LDA, Recommender Systems
- K-Means, Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, Sparsity, and other clustering methods

3) Computational calculus part 2

- hyperplanes and high dimensional quadratics
- second derivatives and curvature
- Taylor series, higher order derivatives and computation

Course topics

4) First and second order methods

- global and random local search
- gradient descent, normalized and unnormalized forms
- steepest descent variations, steplength rules, stochastic methods
- Newton's method, non-convex adjustments, quasi-Newton's method

5) Optimization and supervised learning

- linear supervised methods
- deep neural networks, specialized first order methods (RProp, RMSprop, ADAM, noisy gradient)
- boosted trees and heuristic methods



  • We may use a Piazza page for class forum discussion
  • Office hours: 12 - 1pm Mon/Wed in Annenberg Hall room G21 (starting second week of class)
  • Assignments: 5 homeworks (75% of final grade), 1 individual project (25% of final grade)
    • All assignments must be completed using Python 3 Jupyter notebooks, turned in on canvas (no hard copy)
    • Late homework = 1% off every hour late starting at end of due class



  • Expert Google-ing skills
    • You understand how to / the value of Google and Stack overflow
  • Basic familiarity with Linear Algebra and Calculus
    • We will review, so OK if rusty
  • Basic familiarity with fundamental machine learning concepts
    • We will review as we go along, so OK if rusty
  • Strong familiarity with the Python programming language
    • functions / classes (i.e,. basic familiarity with object oriented programming)
    • We will not review, play catch-up: e.g.,